The Bhagavad Gita

1.Describe ways in which you feel like Arjuna.

I feel like Arjuna because much like him I do not want to do the duty that I’m supposed to do. In my case this is taking out the trash but in his case it was going to battle.

2.How could you specifically apply the message of the Bhagavad Gita?

I could apply the message that it is trying to convey by embrassing the task that I have to do and see the positive side to the responsibilities that I have even if I dont want to do it.

3.How would the ancient Indian perspective of the Bhagavad Gita be VERY different than the 21st Century American perspective of doing one’s duty?

It is different from the American perspective because they believe that you have multiple opportunities to relive your life and as long as you embrace each one that your given that’s all that matters. However Amercians believe there is only one life to be had unlike what they believe.

5.Now, venture back to ancient India. Think of a way the Bhagavad Gita could be used as a tool of oppression?

It could be used as a tool of oppression if only one person could understand what it says or if the government used it to opress people and make them feel bad about there lives. 

Feng Shui

In my new configuration of my room it respects Chi foremost because I reordered things that were blocking chi energy. For example there was a lot of clutter on my bed and by moving it off and cleaning it up I was able to make my room feel more spacious and more uplifting. My room also honors the five elements because there is not a ton of just one of the five elements but rather has a balance of all of them, therefore making it much better. The banga is also seen throughout my room because you will notice that my things are ordered in a way that it is easily found which is one thing that the banga encourages. Overall feng shui is impactful because it is used to show you how objects can affect the way you feel.

The Taoist Walk

The taoist walk was a very interesting experience. One of the reasons for this was because even though we were just walking there I was able to pay attention to so many more things that were happening. One of the strongest sensation while I was on the walk had to be the wind. Usually its something  wouldnt pay much attention to but it was a crisp cold and was really noticeable. I hadn’t been on the path behind the school before but i thought it was really interesting how peaceful it was. When I was walking, there wasnt much to hear aside from the nature and the leaves crunching beneath my feet. On the walk I could smell the flowers and other things in nature that I usually wouldn’t have noticed otherwise. While on the walk I was able to not think which was honestly kind of amazing considering that its extremely hard to do but the environment allowed me to be able to do that. I felt so peaceful while I was walking because the atmosphere was so quiet and calming. This relates to taoism because it is used to bring peace to people while paying more attention to the surroundings.